Farmingdale State College x Edinburgh Napier University x Jones Beach Theater

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Figma, AutoCAD, Canon EOS Rebel T3 | July 2024 | Research Assistant Intern

In June 2024, I was selected for a competitive Research Assistant Internship at Farmingdale State College. A month later, our team—12 students from Farmingdale and 5 from Edinburgh Napier University—met to receive our assignment: conduct on-site research at Jones Beach Theater to develop design solutions around accessibility, security, and parking.

We split into groups, each tackling one of these areas, but collaborated closely throughout. My prior experience as a NYS Park Ranger was especially valuable as I offered insights across all research areas. Assigned to the accessibility group, we shadowed the accessibility team at Jones Beach Theater, identifying challenges that visitors with accessibility needs face, including issues navigating the venue, difficulties in locating accessibility services, and inconsistent communication when requesting assistance during events.

Our team focused on addressing these pain points, aiming to create a seamless experience for customers and enhance staff communication. We developed a solution centered on stronger, consistent communication using NFC tags that could be scanned from staff lanyards. This would allow customers to set appointments and stay connected with staff members throughout the event. Additionally, we designed a buzzer and receiver system in AutoCAD, providing staff and customers with an effective communication channel during shows.

Ultimately, this internship demonstrated my ability to work collaboratively in a diverse team and to step into leadership roles. By applying creative thinking and collaborative problem-solving, we pitched our product solution to the heads of LiveNation and the Long Island region of NYS Parks, showcasing our commitment to enhancing the theater experience for all.


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